Hrishikesh Satsang

It is proposed to have the divine Satsang of Brahmasri Nochur Venkataraman at Hrishikesh on the banks of Ganga from 17 October to 24 October. A total of 1000 devotees are expected to attend the Satsang. Since Deepavali falls on October 18th, you all can have Ganga Snan with Mother Ganga.

Prabhashanam will be in Tamil

The programme details are given as under

(17 Oct - 24 Oct 2017)
17 Oct 2017 EveningSatsang commences with Poornakumbham to Brahmashri Nochur Venkataraman & Mahatmiyam
18 Oct Onwards (IST):
6:00 - 6:30 AMVeda Parayanam
6:30 - 8:00 AMPrabhashanam on KENOPANISHAD
by Brahmashri Nochur Venkataraman
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:30 - 10:30 AMPrabhashanam & Shloka Chanting
10:30 - 12:00 NoonPrabhashanam on SADHANA PANCHAKAM
by Brahmashri Nochur Venkataraman
12:00 NoonLunch Break
2:30 - 4:00 PMPrabhashanam & Shloka Chanting
4:00 PMTea/Coffee
by Brahmashri Nochur Venkataraman
7:00 - 8:30 PMCultural Programmes - Music & Bhajans
8:00 PMDinner
24 Oct 2017 - 6:30 AM Prabhashanam & Conclusion of the Yajna

Before you start registration, please read the Frequently Asked Questions on Registration:


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    • Food will be available in Bhojanashala 3 times a day with filter coffee and tea at your block by 4:30 AM (between 17 Oct – 24 Oct 2017). Devotees would be served with packed food on the concluding day (24 October 2017) after Breakfast.


    • Accommodation has been arranged in Paramarth Niketan for 600 devotees and in Gita Bhavan 4 & 5 for 400 devotees. Accommodations will be provided on first-come-first basis (between 17 Oct – 24 Oct 2017). Both the Ashrams have undergone significant face-lift in the recent past in terms of general cleanliness and service.


    • Transportation: Devotees are requested to make Train/Air Travel bookings on their own.
      • Devotees can avail flight to/fro DELHI – DEHRADUN or train to/fro DELHI/DEHRADUN/HARIDWAR, to reach Hrishikesh.
      • For pick-up to/fro Hrishikesh, please contact Mr. ASHOK MISHRA Mobile: 9837089868 or ASHOO MISHRA Mobile: 9997888988, 15 days in advance. INDIGO or INNOVA CABS (with carrier) are available at a fixed competitive rate.


    • Room allocations would be done by the first week of September 2017.
      NOTE: Rooms will be available only from 17th Morning and keys to be returned by 24th morning.


  • List of items to be brought:
    1. Plate & Tumbler for water and coffee.
    2. Flask
    3. Bedspread
    4. Torch light
    5. 3 way socket for mobile charger
    6. Umbrella
    7. Rope & Clip for drying cloth
    8. Medicines


  • Location Map:
    Location Map

If you have any questions, please

  1. Send an email to or
  2. Call Prof. Anantharaman at 95381 65498 (7 AM – 10 AM IST) or
  3. Send us a message by filling the form below and we will respond at the earliest.